Cruz Rigging cc was Established in 1996 and has one member, Steve McGregor. Steve McGregor is a qualified Lifting Machinery Inspector, and he is registered/accredited with the Engineering Council of South Africa. Cruz Rigging is registered/accredited with the Department of Labour and carries a LME (Lifting Machine Entity) number, in terms of the Engineering Profession Act, Act No 46 of 2000).

Inspection reports and proof load test certificates are issued per item. Up to date registers are also available (instead of certification) upon request. Certificates and reports are issued in a demarcated file with all items filled in alpha-numeric sequence for ease of reference. Cruz Rigging retains a duplicate of this file for record keeping on behalf of the customer for a period of 5 years as per legislation.

- All Lifting Equipment undergo a full inspection prior to load testing. Load Testing is only performed once an inspection has been passed.
- All Inspections and Load Tests are carried out in accordance with the Department of Labour, the SABS and the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Customer/Service Delivery
We pride ourselves in our service levels. We are always available, and we always do our utmost best to deliver for our clients. No task is too big or too small. We have developed a good working relationship with our clients over time, and pride ourselves to be the “go to” company in an emergency, as our clients can always rely on us.
We also have a great relationship with our suppliers, and we can always count on them to deliver. We build Win-Win relationships. We also pride ourselves in the presentation of our Certification and Filing Systems. We try to make it as easy as possible for our clients to find a specific certificate in the shortest possible time, should they have an audit.